The Biggest Tech Trends Set for 2024

The world of technology has been evolving at a staggering rate in recent years, and there are no signs of it slowing down any time soon. From the impact we’ve seen artificial intelligence and machine learning have over the previous 12 months to the digitally connected space of the Internet of Things, the world has witnessed a continued push for innovations that will reshape the way we live. As we head towards 2024, there is an expectation that the sector will continue to deliver exciting tech trends that push boundaries and revolutionize our daily lives.

So, what does the tech sector have in store for 2024, and what will it mean for the future? Although it’s impossible to fully know what will happen, let’s look at the predicted tech trends for 2024 and see what the experts are saying about it all.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been at the forefront of tech discussions in 2023, and with good reason. The launch of AI chatbots, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, has taken the world by storm with its impressive abilities. The most recent update – GPT-4 – improved ChatGPT’s response accuracy, as well as its ability to understand multiple input formats, including text and images.

Nothing has been confirmed at this point, but there are rumors that GPT-5 could be released in 2024. If expectations are met, this iteration of AI will be even more impressive than currently available options, and will likely include new features, such as the ability to understand audio and video, as well as an improved and more accurate knowledge base.

However, some believe GPT-5 won’t be available until at least 2025, so it could be the case that we see a GPT-4.5 update instead, which will most likely improve on current abilities, speed, and accuracy of information provided. 

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Augmented and virtual reality products have come a long way in recent years, and they’re expected to continue to do so in 2024. Industry insiders suggest that we’ll see a huge shift from smartphones to AR glasses in the future, as 5G networks become more widespread. Furthermore, with a focus on bringing autonomous vehicles into the mainstream, there is a suggestion that VR could be used to train people how to use them. Whether this occurs in 2024 remains to be seen, however.

In the medical profession, VR is also predicted to make big steps in 2024. For example, VR is likely to be used to help people with remote rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation, for instance, is a process where patients are equipped with robotic devices attached to their limbs. Then, VR can be used via a headset to guide patients through a rehabilitation session. Furthermore, VR headsets are also being used to train medical professionals and this is something we can expect to see increase throughout 2024 and beyond.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is a tech sector that is set to make our lives easier in many ways. By connecting our devices and improving how we interact with them, as well as how they interact with each other, we can seamlessly integrate everyday things with the internet. As 5G networks continue to grow, 2024 is likely to see a big push for IoT development, with more devices than ever being added to networks. This will include the likes of wearable healthcare devices, as well as connectivity within smart cities that aim to improve efficiency and enhance the quality of life for residents.

Climate-Friendly Technology

Climate-friendly technology is something that people all around the world care a great deal about. Something that businesses are likely to enjoy in 2024 is carbon accounting software, which will help them understand and improve upon their carbon impact. 

Also of interest is the notion of precision agriculture, which is a process that aims to minimize the agricultural impact of farming while also maximizing productivity. Developments in this area are expected in 2024 due to improvements to 5G networks, the IoT, and AI assistance, which will help to efficiently connect farming processes.


The entertainment sector links well with a lot of the sections above, such as virtual reality, the IoT, and improved 5G networks. However, the gambling industry could be one that massively benefits from emerging tech in 2024, building upon an already impressive tech offering as seen in these casino reviews. For example, fast withdrawal casinos are increasing in popularity and are made available by e-wallets and newer methods of withdrawals that do not require traditional banking processes. As such, there is likely to be an influx of casinos offering such technology and players will want to read reviews before signing up.


When it comes to the tech sector, blockchain is one aspect that never seems to slow down. In 2024, we can expect increased enterprise adoption, with major institutions looking to get involved. An example of this can already be seen in PayPal’s recent announcement about the launch of its stablecoin, PYUSD. When massive, trusted institutions like this get involved, you are likely to see a domino effect, where lots of others jump on board quickly. 

Of course, we should also consider the new regulations that will come into play towards the end of 2023, in which both financial and advertising institutions will need to follow strict guidelines. Although some will see this as a restriction of the benefits decentralization offers, there is a chance that this could inspire confidence in blockchain tech in 2024 and help pave the way towards mass adoption. As such, we should expect massive organizations to start to get involved.

Although we can never be sure of what tech trends will occur and when they’ll be implemented, we do have a good idea of the direction we can expect things to take in 2024. This year, we’ve seen some huge leaps with the likes of AI and the IoT, and these are aspects of tech that are only getting started. No matter what we see released in 2024, it’s almost guaranteed to be an exciting time for developers and consumers alike.