Features of The Ultimate Sectional For Entertainment And Family Rooms

Whether you have a family room or a recreational room, you can’t go wrong with a sectional. Sectionals usually provide seating for at least four, and as many as eight, people comfortably. When you have a room dedicated to movies, video games, music, and more, having a sectional just makes sense. It gives you the most seating in the smallest space and at the lowest possible price, as well as being more comfortable for lounging for longer periods.

But you shouldn’t just run out and buy the first sectional you see. There are a ton of options available with sectionals today, especially the popular modular sectionals. To find the perfect sectional for your entertainment space, look for these features:

Charging stations

Many sectionals now come with charging stations within the consoles that have always housed cup holders and remote storage. You can also get sectionals that have charging capabilities simply by setting your phone on the arm of the couch. The average person uses at least 2 smart devices per day, and if you aren’t single the charging outlets you need to rack up pretty fast.

Offering charging stations within sectionals is still a fairly new trend, but you can find some if you visit sectionals page for ideas or to buy online.

Reclining seats

When you are getting a sectional specifically for lounging, you can’t go wrong with reclining seats. You don’t have to settle for recliners only on the ends of the sectional anymore either. In fact, the modular sectionals come in cubes, basically one seat per cube. This means you can arrange them however you wish, including getting additional reclining seats. 

Chaise lounge

Another option you have is to get a sectional with a chaise lounge on one side. This gives you a bit more comfort if you’ll be stretched out reading a book or listening to music. You can also opt to get a recliner on one end of the sectional and a chaise lounge on the other for the best of both worlds.



Modular sofas have ushered in a new versatility to living room and family room furniture. The very nature of these sectionals allows you to rearrange the pieces in different configurations depending on how you will be using them that day. If you’re outfitting a rec room, consider adding platforms so you can divide the sectional into two rows of theater seating for movie premiers.

Easy to clean

Any sectional you get in a recreation or family room must be easy to clean or it will deteriorate quickly. There is even more of a chance of the sofa getting stains when in such an environment. You need to get a sectional with upholstery that is stain and spill-resistant, as well as easily washed. 

The upholstery should be able to be removed and machine washed with ease. You may also be able to get additional upholstery cushion covers so that you can switch them out on occasion to keep the look fresh.


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